We don’t focus very much on dogma or creed. We are unquestioningly Christian, but we don’t make it a requirement to believe a certain way to belong here. Our heart is non-denominational, accepting, and embracing of all.

We’ve been here in Brandon for several years now. When we began, we were basically just a group of folks  who decided to do some spiritual journeying together.

So we began a walk that over the years, has been filled with WAY more questions than answers…about God, about ourselves, about our faith and about our religious traditions.  We are simply rethinking what it really means to follow Jesus in a way that deeply engages and transforms us.  So…

If traditional church has stopped working for you
If you are spiritual, but have issues with organized religion …
If you find yourself alone on the spiritual journey and would like to share the journey with others …
Come check us out to see we are a fit.


Michael Hailey

Michael Hailey

Lead Pastor

Nancy Hailey

Nancy Hailey

Associate Pastor

About Michael and Nancy

Michael and Nancy Hailey are the founding Pastors of New Day Church Brandon. SInce 2008 they have led New Day to be a refuge for those who have given up on traditional church but still have a heart for God. Michael serves New Day as the Lead Pastor responsible for all preaching and teaching ministries while Nancy serves as Associate Pastor responsible for Outreach and Special Events and Coordinator for all weekend services. Together, they cast our vision for reaching the disenfranchised, the hopeless and those seeking answers to life’s difficult questions.



“Most people think that a Pastor’s life is supposed to be the perfect fairy tale. Not always. In 2003 I crashed my life so badly that I had to step away from ministry after serving as a Pastor for nearly 30 years. The weeks and months that followed were some of the worst of my life. I went through a divorce, my family was torn apart, my former church was hurt and confused, and I sank into one of those depressing “black hole” funks.

The upside, however, is that over time God’s grace mercifully started me on a journey of  healing that continues to reshape and restore me even to this day. This journey has involved a number of courageous individuals who have been unafraid to honestly, yet graciously walk with me, and encourage me through the difficult and even heartbreaking times. But every step of the way has been worth it.
On January 15, 2008 NEW DAY CHURCH (The Grace Place) was birthed in Brandon Florida. It has become a place of hope and encouragement for those who are hurting, marginalized, broken or otherwise just forgotten.”




Nothing in creation “just happened.” God made it all.
God is real and bigger and better and closer than we can imagine. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and everyone matters to Him.
God has made a way for us to have intimacy with Him through Jesus His Son.
By His Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now. His Spirit empowers and gifts us to live the abundant life.
Baptism is when we are immersed in water to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
Communion is a memorial we observe to commemorate Jesus’ death.
The Bible is God’s grace book that tells His story of love, inclusion and redemption for humaity.
God loves every person perfectly, completely, and unconditionally, period! No exceptions! And the reason is because God IS love and He can do no other.


The death of Jesus was not necessary for God to be reconciled to us because He has never been alienated against us. The death of Jesus was necessary for us to be reconciled to God because He had to absorb and swallow up all of our hate, our darkness and our rebellion against him and take it to death thus demonstrating His great love, compassion and mercy. Reconciliation was us-ward toward God and not God-ward toward us.  (O’Hare)

Behavior vs Beliefs

At NEW DAY (The Grace Place) we have discovered that following Jesus is FAR MORE about right “believing” than right “behavior.” The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the overwhelming good news of a loving, gracious God that did not come to earth to give us a list of things to DO, but rather He came to teach us who we ARE… “His Beloved.”

And the truth is, when a person gets that…it changes their behavior.


Brandon Florida 33511